Dog Lost was founded to help reunite lost and found dogs with their owners and to promote responsible dog ownership. This UK-based business provides a variety of services, including the Bark Out Service, a national helpline, a social media presence across different platforms, and support for owners during the search process. Read on to learn more about the story behind the founding of Dog Lost and how they continue to make a difference in the lives of dogs and their owners.
Website Author: Jayne, owner of Dog Lost, with additional content by Poppy’s Pets
20 years ago, the system to connect organisations and reunite dogs did not exist. This issue became apparent when Jayne’s dog went missing and prompted the birth of DogLost. When Hermes, her French Bulldog, disappeared from their Yorkshire home in 2003, Jayne’s world collapsed. Equally devastating was discovering the Police, veterinary practices, rescue centres and dog wardens did not communicate with each other or maintain records about missing, found or deceased dogs. Shockingly, Jayne discovered that dog warden departments refused to take details of dogs missing from other counties. Therefore, stray dogs unclaimed were euthanised after seven days.

Today, DogLost is recognised nationally by the Police, councils, dog wardens, highway agency, rescues and the public, and has helped reunite over 90,000 dogs, even dogs missing years.
Register your missing dog or search for found dogs at DogLost UK.
Sign up for local missing dog alerts. Many dogs have been reunited this way.
Table of contents:
- The beginning of Dog Lost and why it began
- How DogLost functioned in the early days
- DogLost in 2023
- The registered & unregistered microchip, how to tell if the chip is scanned, how can you get a chip match on DogLost
- Creating a DogLost poster and using the old-fashioned poster option
- DogLost colour options – what do they mean?
- Bark Out Service and how to get a 10,000 reach on Facebook and Instagram
- Helping DogLost
- One usual place you might find your missing Border Collie
Why DogLost Began

Please report any information about Daisy on her DogLost profile.
Please report any information about Violet on her DogLost profile.
Please report any information about Purdey on her DogLost profile.
Because details were not recorded, Jayne called every organisation daily for six weeks when Hermes disappeared. Facebook didn’t exist, so she distributed posters with the help of other dog owners. It worked – a woman recognised a similar dog with youths 30 miles away and contacted Jayne and the Police. Unfortunately, the Police did not check their incident book. Had they, a connection would have been made earlier. Facebook didn’t exist, so they distributed posters with the help of other dog owners. It worked – a woman recognised a similar dog with youths 30 miles away and contacted Jayne and the Police. The youths were well-known to the authorities, but unfortunately, the Police didn’t check their incident book. Had they, a connection would have been made earlier, but their response to the dognapping at the time was: “That’s in your opinion, Madam.”
The woman confronted the youths, but they didn’t know the breed and called her Missy. The dog didn’t respond and shook in fear. Jayne was ecstatic to learn her beloved dog was alive but turned to despair when the Police told her they didn’t have the manpower to help rescue Hermes. So Jayne discreetly spoke to residents walking their dogs on the street where the youths lived. The dog walkers agreed to contact Jayne when the youths left the house with Hermes. Following an altercation, Jayne’s partner miraculously retrieved Hermes and brought her home.
The early days of DogLost

Because there needed to be a place for all organizations to communicate lost and found dogs, Jayne vowed to set up a FREE 24/7 national database. A Yorkshire-based web developer assisted with an online website, including functions to share on social media and download posters. The database wasn’t just for organisations to check for matches but also to create a profile for each dog in their care. The same applied to dog owners – they could check for their missing dog and upload a profile.
Register with DogLost for alerts or to add your missing dog.
Help find reunite dogs with a donation to keep the website active.
Jayne envisioned spending two hours weekly advising owners of what to do and who to contact if they have lost their dog. Within a week, she was inundated with calls with similar stories and realised how many owners ‘hit a brick wall’ and how many dogs were being let down by a failed ‘system.’ Jayne lost her partner within a year because of hours dedicated to getting DogLost known and helping dog owners in despair as they searched for their beloved pets. Jayne lost her partner within a year because of hours devoted to the start of DogLost, so the house was sold, and her share funded the new database.
Within six months, DogLost had 1000 members. In 2023, 160,000 members had signed up to receive missing dog alerts in their area, sharing profiles on social media, which led to a proportion of dogs going home. Profiles remain on the database indefinitely, resulting in some dogs reunited years later.
Related articles:
- Missing dogs & cats who have appeared in the Withernsea District & Community News
- Protect your pet: Strategies to prevent your pet from going missing
- Things to do before you take your dog on holiday: save the heartbreak of losing your pet
- Your pet is implanted with a microchip, but is it registered? You cannot be reunited if it isn’t
- Safety measures: gear to keep your dog safe on a walk
- We’ve tried leads, harnesses, car safety from puppyhood to adulthood
DogLost in 2023

Please report any information about Kemo in his DogLost profile.
Please report any information about Rosa in her DogLost profile.
Please report any information about Bud in his DogLost profile.
20 years ago, Jayne couldn’t speak to dog wardens because they were out collecting strays, and staff weren’t trained in the importance of record-keeping to reunite dogs with owners. Today, there is overwhelming support from dog wardens, and several Police forces now liaise with DogLost. Other support is from highway agencies, rescues, and veterinary practices.
Microchipping your dog is the law
Back in 2003, microchipping was for passports only. Now it’s the law to microchip your dog. A vet, or another qualified implanter, charges for the microchip implantation.
The registered microchip – Today, you must register your pet with the database the chip is linked to. This could be one of nineteen legal microchip database companies. When you make that phone call, you need to give your contact details and a secondary contact, and if a rescue animal, include them if the rescue centre offers Rescue Back Up is offered. With up-to-date contact details, you will be reunited with your lost pet.
The unregistered microchip – 30% of owners who paid for the implantation have not registered the microchip on the database, which means your contact details are not assigned to the chip. When your pet is scanned, the only information available is the chip number and your pet’s name.
Find out if your pet’s microchip is registered. It’s FREE.
How can you tell if your dog’s microchip has been scanned? – We transferred our pets to Pet Database because it is FREE to update contact details and has a FREE missing pet service. As I own an Angel scanner, I tested scanning Tabitha’s microchip and was relieved to discover her account showed her chip had been scanned. If she were missing, I would be relieved she was alive and be awaiting a phone call to be reunited. Of course, dogs fall into the wrong hands, and a dog knapper may be checking for a chip because they want to remove it. But hopefully, it’s good news.
My cat Sam went missing in 2006, and I transferred his microchip details to Pet Database last year. I wish technology were as advanced back then as it is today. Follow Sam’s missing pet profile.
You’ve created a DogLost profile for your missing pet – Ensure you add your pet’s microchip to your dog’s profile. On the 7th of March 2023, a microchipped Rottweiler was found deceased at Home Farm Road, Brentwood, CM13. A DogLost volunteer confirmed his microchip did not match any other profiles listed on DogLost. This beautiful boy has been taken to Wyles Vet in Upminister, so hopefully, they will Check a Chip to locate the database registered to and from this, if the owner has kept details up to date, reunite this boy with his rightful owner.
Further information about the Rottweiler.
Creating a DogLost profile for your missing dog

When you complete your dog’s profile, include as much information as possible. Of course, never add the microchip number, so it is visible in the public domain. You’ll find a section to include the number which remains private.
Read more about Lizuca on DogLost.
Sections to complete to create a profile:
- Status (lost, found, rehomed, rainbow bridge)
- Date registered on DogLost
- Name
- Gender & breed
- Age
- Neutered, spayed or monochid (one testicle)
- Colour/s
- Marks & scars
- Tagged (wearing an ID disc or not wearing one)
- Microchipped (this number remains private but helps DogLost when checking with organisations)
- Tattoo (details will be visible to DogLost staff only. The public will see ‘yes, no or ‘unknown’)
- Date lost
- Where lost
- Lost in region
- Lost in postcode area
- Date reunited
- Other information
- Two phone numbers and an email address (visible to DogLost only to protect you against scammers)
- Two clear photos up to 2MB. (do not add text to images)
In the Other Info section, include relevant details about the circumstances and location because the content will appear on a poster too. Posters are an old-fashioned way of getting your missing pet noticed, so get a bulk printed for letterbox drops and to display in shop windows and any pet-related place. Remember, not everyone is on social media or has a mobile phone, and someone may think a pet they find is abandoned and give it a home.
Other sections visible on a dog’s profile page:
- The system automatically generates a unique identity number, which appears at the top of the profile page
- Listed by
- Profile views
- Alerts sent out (for example, ID 182849 had 89 alerts sent out in the few hours he went missing)
- Comments – each time someone leaves a comment, you receive an alert, so please revisit your pet’s profile.

01633 673859 quoting ID 84584
How can people contact you?
1: Visiting the website on the poster and searching using the ID number. Sam’s is 84584
2: Leave a comment on the pet’s profile, but you need to be registered on DogLost
3: Alternatively, DogLost say you can handwrite your mobile number on the poster but be prepared for upsetting hoax calls or people requesting money from you
4: Adding an email address is another idea, but remember, some people do not have computers or Smartphones
I registered Sam in 2015, and his profile has 2,279 views. Sadly, Sam is still missing.
If you add a lost or found cat or horse, search for the type in the breed section.
Found horse in Hampshire’s New Forest – new homes lined up if unclaimed.
What do the coloured banners on the website mean?
Below are banner colours showing you which categories dogs fall under. Of course, it depends on whether owners or organisations update from found or lost to reunited to rehomed, but it gives you an idea.
DogLost offers a Bark Out Service
DogLost is FREE but does offer the Bark Out Service for £30. Many businesses take advantage of Facebook and Instagram’s paid ad services, resulting in social media algorithms giving your dog more visibility online.
The perks:
- Include your dog’s name and DogLost ID number in the Payment Process Notes
- Ads will be run within a 10-mile radius of your dog’s last location
- The results are more profile views, awareness, and a higher chance of being reunited
- Local reach around 10,000
How can you help

There are several ways you can help DogLost –
Donate to help keep the website going.
“All donations go towards running the website, maintaining the helpline and keeping DogLost free to all dog owners!

Owning a website costs money annually. Blue Host charges Poppy’s Pets nearly £200 a year. DogLost does a fantastic job helping dog owners and pets, so if you can spare a few pence, please donate to them.
Muddy Paws Crime is another voluntary organisation that helps owners find their missing pets.
Join DogLost.
Visit DogLost on Facebook.
Follow Poppy’s Pets on Facebook.
Advice service:
DogLost is a free national database designed to help reunite you with your pet. DogLost will give you the best service, offering advice, support and liaising with the appropriate authorities if required.
Email alerts about your missing pet:
Your pet’s missing poster gets emailed to people signed up as helpers in your area. You can become a helper by signing up to DogLost.
DogLost has over 57,000 followers on Twitter and uploads posters, and asks for retweets to get the word out there.
Follow on Twitter.

Poster service:
A dog’s profile has facilities to share the poster on your social media.
Facebook groups:
A dog’s details are uploaded onto the county Facebook group, and it recommends you check for comments and contact anyone with the same breed missing as yours.
One strange place you might find your missing Border Collies

Jayne told me about a phone call she received:
“A few years ago, a lady rang me about her missing Border Collie. She was walking him in a field she owned. It was on her land – 5 acres and she had closed the gate. She was answering a phonecall for three seconds. On enquiring more, the owner told me the last time she saw her Border Collie he was chasing a squirrel. She said there was an ancient oak tree in the middle of the field. She called the fire brigade to report her dog was stuck up a 40 foot up a tree, to which she was meant with laughter. It happened to be April 1st.
She called them back an hour later to report her partner was stuck up the same tree and was met with disbelief again with the operator asking how old was her boyfriend. She replied he was 64. They asked her what was he doing up the tree. She replied trying to rescue the dog.
They eventually came out and were in disbelief! Anyway, they filmed the rescue and the story reached the national papers!
Jayne, founder of DogLost
Read more about Spot on DogLost.
Other stories of Border Collies stuck up trees:
- Belle: Border Collie stuck up a 30-foot tree for six hours in Staffordshire
- Laddy: Border Collie in Iowa stuck up a tree for 2-days
- Sally: Border Collie is afraid to climb down a tree

Thank you to Jayne for the information on how DogLost began. A shorter article appeared in the Withernsea District & Community News in April 2023.
Jayne and her partner rescued Hermes from the dog thieves. This article on my website or in the Withernsea District & Community News does not recommend any dog owner rescue their pet from thieves. If your dog is missing, please register your pet on DogLost and ask for advice from volunteers about retrieving your dog from a known source or location. Please also call 101 for a Crime Reference Number for your stolen dog.
Key takeaways:
- Add your missing pet to Dog Lost because animal agencies direct people to the organisation
- Dog Lost is free with lots of free sharing across social media
- Dog Lost volunteers have contacts with dog wardens, police, high agencies
- Sharing posters and signing up for alerts may help reunite a dog and owner
- You can now upload lost and found cats and horses
- Downloadable posters from a profile
Poppy’s Pets has a column in the Withernsea District & Community News